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Below are links to other web-sites that we think you might be interested in.If there are other links that you think we should include, send an email with the information to our webmaster. The site will then be reviewed by a number of Trustees to determine if it is appropriate for inclusion on our site.
Other Apgar Sites
Related Family Sites
Hunterdon County Sites
New Jersey Sites
General Genealogy Sites
All Census Records: great place to start your search for census records.
Ancestry: a “fee to view” site, with the most records of any site on the net.
Canadian Military Heritage Project: a good site for Canadian Military Records.
Cyndi”s List: has over 264,000 links to genealogy web sites categorized and cross-referenced.
Ellis Island: immigrant ancestors who came to America after 1892.
Family Search: LDS Church site and is the largest free genealogy database on the net, with maps, books, helpful tips and more. If you are new to genealogy you should start your search here.
Genealogy Today: What”s new in genealogy.
Genealogy Help: help for all genealogists, from novice to advanced.
National Archives: archive of historical records related to the United States Federal government.
Naturalization Records: best site on the net for naturalization records.
Olive Tree Genealogy: over 1,500 free databases including ship passenger lists, muster rolls, church records and much more.
The Ships List: ship passenger lists for Canada and Australia.